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Marble Surface

The CA has over 20 member groups and several individual members who are involved in community activities and events.


Membership is open to any individual or not-for-profit voluntary community group  in Oakington or Westwick and is a great way to connect with other groups and individuals interested and involved in community life.



Group Members


The following groups are currently members of the CA. For contact details and more information click on the name of the group (underlined groups only).


For information about their activities you can browse through the latest copies of the Oakington and Westwick Journal.   

Badminton Club 

Beavers and Scouts

Bowls Club


Church groups

Country Dancing


EAG (Environment Action Group)

Garden Society 

History Society

Humpty Dumpty preschool

Monday Cafe

Oakington Community Orchards Project

Oakington Primary School PSA

Oakington Retirement Community

Oakington Singers

Oakington Vikings Football

OWN (Oakington and Westwick Neighbours)

Parish Council

Pavilion Management Committee

Table Tennis Club

TAG (Transport Action Group)

Ten Sing

Tennis Club

Tuesday Talk & Tea

Viking Youth

Women's Institute 


The CA has taken out a Zoom Licence that is available to all group members for conducting their meetings online during the current restrictions.  To make use of this licence, please contact the CA at 


If you belong to a group that is not currently a member but would like to join just contact us and we add you to the list.  

Marble Surface

Individual Members


The CA welcomes individual members (of all ages!) and is always open to new suggestions and ideas.  


If you are interested in getting involved or just want to be kept informed of  CA's activities you can join by passing on your name and details on the contact form.  It is very rewarding to be be involved in some community activity or volunteering for a  specific project.   


We look forward to hearing from you! 


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