We have about twenty member groups and many more volunteers who help out with various activities.
Membership is open to any group or individual living in Oakington or Westwick and it’s a great way to get to know more people in the village.
The following groups are currently members of the Community Association.
If your group would like to join please contact us.
For more information about the groups themselves click on the name of the group.
Tennis Club
Bowling Club
Oakington Vikings Football
Gardening Club
Country Dancing
Women's Institute
Ten Sing
Monday Cafe
Tuesday Talk & Tea
Oakington & Westwick Parish Council
EAG (Environment Action Group)
OWN (Oakington and Westwick Neighbours)
TAG (Transport Action Group)
If you would like to volunteer or become a member of the Community Association or would like some more information about the benefits of membership, do get in touch!